
Wednesday, 14 August 2013


As a young boy gliding through the murky waters of puberty and adolescence, Sam grew up watching lots of emotionally-charged soaps on TV. It was the era of the irresistible SECRETS OF THE SAND, the unforgettable NO ONE BUT YOU, the alluring BEHIND THE CLOUDS, the adrenalin-pumping PASSIONS, the sophisticated FORTUNES, the thought-provoking GARDENER’S DAUGHTER, the rib-cracking FUJI HOUSE OF COMMOTION, the magical SECOND CHANCE and of course, the never ending SUPER STORY.

The scenes, plots and twists that characterized these flicks edged indelible emotional images on Sam’s mind. He just couldn’t imagine why some guys chose to break the hearts of beautiful girls. It was so tough to stomach the fact that a ‘fine girl’ wouldn’t mind dumping her ‘fine boy’ once she sees a better and secure future in another man – regardless of his ‘fineness’.

But that was then, not any more. As a child, Sam thought like one, but now that he’s older and wiser, he obviously knows better. No wonder the holy writ warns of the deceit of beauty and fickleness of emotions. For all its worth, premium should, always, be placed on men and women who fear the Lord.

While brooding on how to blur the thin line between infatuation and love, Sam found an ally in Chuck Klosterman. “It has always been my understanding that being ‘infatuated’ with someone means you think you are in love, but you are actually not,” he began.

“Infatuation (supposedly) is just a foolish, fleeting feeling. But if being ‘in love’ is an abstract and intangible notion, with no way to physically prove it to anyone else, how then is love any different than having an infatuation?” he quipped. To Chuck, “Both are human constructions. If you THINK you are in love with someone and you FEEL like you are in love with someone, then you obviously are.”

In her book, Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace With Marriage, Elizabeth Gilbert summed it up in one breathe. “Infatuation is not quite the same thing as love; it’s more like love’s shady second cousin who’s always borrowing money and can’t hold down a job.”

Indeed, love is a beautiful thing. If you’ve found it, good for you; if you haven’t, please don’t give up. Keep sowing the seeds of love wherever and whenever you have the opportunity. As long as the earth remains, seed time and harvest shall never cease.

Finally, for those who have given up on love (either married or unmarried), remember, Love is kind, patient, rejoices in truth not evil, always hopeful, loyal and trusting. Love is never: jealous, selfish, quick tempered, and doesn’t keep a record of wrongs that others do. Love never fails, for God is Love.

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