
Monday, 29 July 2013

Why It Pays Not To Mind Your Own Business

If you’re broke and want to make money, this is for you. If you need to make more money to boost your income, you’ll find this indispensable. But if you’re satisfied with your status quo and you think you don’t have any reason to worry about anything, then you’re my number one target. Listen up; there is fire on the mountain! Someone is after you and yours; and now is the time to turn the table.

The greatest thinkers and influencers of our world are individuals who realized, at some point in the course of their lives, that their purpose of existence is more than mere survival. For them, life is more than clothes, shelter and food. Deep reflections, spiritual conversations and consistent study are some of the virtues that produced the timeless insights that have spurred these unique men and women to a higher level of living: living for others.

How many times have you been told to “mind your own business”? Well, I receive such counsel very often – directly or indirectly. And I have discovered that, more often than not, such admonitions come from people who do not practice what they preach. In the context of this discourse, the call to mind your business is the call to be complacent, indifferent, ‘contented’, ‘satisfied’ and maintain status quo. Here are reasons why you should step up your game and NOT just mind your own business only.

First, you need to know that there are people who are being paid to “mind you”. There are folks whose life purpose and career is to sit on your case till they legally milk you dry and make you feel bad about yourself. When they are done, they are gone; and if you bounce back, they are back. So the cycle continues.

In today’s capitalist-driven economy, you are conditioned to pay all kinds of bills (during your working years and even when retired) to everyone, excluding yourself. And this is not just monetary. If you don’t turn the table quickly, you might die unhappy and unfulfilled. So why not observe your environment, discover the needs that can be met and create clear expectations around the product or service you choose to offer.

Second, your life is a responsibility – make it count. You have a unique skill, talent and virtue. Use it to complement others in your sphere of influence. You need to learn how to profit with your knowledge. The One who gave you life will surely ask for His Return on Investment, someday. So, be sure to, first, mind your own business well, followed by others’, while your breathe lasts.

Third, you were created to work. It’s in your DNA. Work brings fulfillment. Minding other people’s business, with the right motive, gives unspeakable joy. It elevates you spiritually, mentally, emotionally and financially. As a young person, seek to “work to learn, not just to earn” – for this opens you up to endless opportunities which are often blinded to other workers who only look forward to pay day. Working in a field where your passion lies, regardless of the remuneration, refines your perspective and world view. It guarantees your successful transition from a bloody employee to an inimitable employer.

Finally, when you think of people and events around you and how to contribute your quota to problem-solving, your mind is stimulated and put to work. There is little or no time for frivolities and bad blood. You now have a reason to live and let live. What a glorious way to live your life!

Kindly share.

Sam Adel’

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