Ignorance is costly. It has cost
many their happiness, jobs, marriage, properties, rights, health, money and
even their lives. Indeed, we live in a world that is fast passing away; and the earlier
we realized our authority as believers, the more assured we are of victory over
the enemy of our souls. “In this world you will have tribulations”, Jesus
counselled, “but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world”. Despite this re-assuring statement
of Christ and many other biblical promises, why do many still find it difficult
to get healed and/or retain their healing?
Today, I’ll be sharing Bro. Kenneth
Hagin’s experience on this subject. Be rest assured that his experiences have
biblical justifications. I have practiced them in my own life and experienced
similar results. If you have been battling issues regarding your health,
divorce, marriage, relationships, finance, job, career, ministry, etc, the
following insights from this man of faith will be of immense help to you.
“Often we realize that certain
trials in our lives are the work of the enemy, and we cry out to God to rebuke
him and alter circumstances for us. However, God’s Word tells us to rebuke the
enemy ourselves. In James 4:7, we are told, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” The authority over
the devil is ours. The responsibility is ours. We’ve got to depend on the Spirit
of God to know when demons are present and to know how to deal with them. We’re
helpless without both the Spirit and the Word. Don’t just be a Word person
without the Spirit, and don’t just be a Spirit person without the Word. Many try
to act on the Word of God without the Spirit of God. You’ve got to have both of
them. The Spirit and the Word agree.
“You don’t need to deal with a
spirit in every case of healing. But if you have to, the Lord will show you. You’ll
only defeat the devil when you’ve got a foundation of God’s Word and you act
upon it. Many got their healing from big meetings, crusades or encounters but
after two weeks, their healing was gone. Why did they lose it? Because they didn’t
know their authority. They didn’t know how to hold onto what they had, so they didn’t
try to exercise authority themselves; or if they said anything, they said the
wrong thing.
“I learned how to do this many
years ago when some of my relatives would get extremely angry. I simply took
authority over the situation. They knew when I did it, because they looked at
me with a startled expression – and they straightened out immediately. I wasn’t
exercising authority over their will, however, but over the spirit that made
them act the way they did.
“Conditions exist because we permit
them to. Of course, we’re always going to have spiritual babies, and we ought
to carry them on our faith, but some of us ought to grow up enough to be able
to help look after the babies and not leave it up to the pastor to do
everything. Matthew 18:18 says, “Whatsoever things ye refuse to be permitted on
earth will be refused to be permitted in heaven.” Exercise your authority, now!”
In summary, to be qualified to get
healed, retain your healing and resist the devil over every area of your life, you need to be: Born-again; Get grounded in the Word of God; Learn to walk in Spirit; and
then consistently Exercise your Authority! However, if need be, don’t hesitate to seek help from men
and women of God. Remember, exercising your authority and living in constant
dominion and victory is not a ‘sometime’ thing, it’s an ‘all-time’ thing. God
bless you!
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